Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Size Zero + Kenneth Tong = A Twitter Storm

Women should “get thin or die trying” and you can “never start too young”.

It is better for a girl to “risk [her] life dieting than be sub-par by being a plus-size”.

Remember: “Hunger hurts but starving works.” 


The Former Big Brother contestant, Kenneth Tong started tweeting these statements and worse, over two weeks ago, and a storm broke out on Twitter. And rightly so – did anyone expect any less?

When I first saw these tweets and then heard about this I was completely appalled !

In case you are wondering, Kenneth Tong is, a 27-year-old who was born in Toronto to an extremely wealthy family and raised in Hong Kong. Their cash comes from his Chinese grandfather, who made an important innovation in plastic injection molding, and the family has lived off the proceeds ever since. Tong says his father was “a renowned playboy” who “really didn't do much”, and his mother was barely present during his childhood: “I raised myself.” He was dispatched to a series of boarding schools, all of which he “hated”. (London Evening Standard)

Some more of what he tweeted:

“Don’t listen to them. They’re all trying to make fatter. You’re a mess as is. Throw the food away. You’ll be so much happier then.”

“The words lunch, breakfast, and dinner should now mean nothing to you, you have eaten enough for a lifetime. Stop. You are disgusting.” 

“If everyone is beautiful inside & out, why did the size zero model skip the queue whilst you waited in the cold, and got knocked back after.” 

“Wake up. Your [sic] disgusting. Your so fat you don’t deserve sleep. Go look in the mirror & hate yourself. I don’t want you eating today.” 

“Inner beauty is a myth. You are just fat. You are unloved. People look at you & are pleasant cause they feel sorry for you. Size Zero…” 

“Inner beauty is as practical as a photo of oxygen to a drowning man.” 

“There is curvy, then there is you: the rule, not the exception.”

The Kenneth Tong Twitter argument brings up larger issues than body weight and extreme diets. Using just Twitter, a series of shocking and insulting posts, publicly picking fights with celebrities and joyfully retweeting celebrity denouncements, Tong has generated infinitely more buzz than any formal ad campaign could provide — for free. A Google search for the keywords “kenneth tong size zero pill” shows over 2,500 results; most are from the past few days.

Tong’s so-called idea of ‘managed anorexia’ ... is this a message that should be sent out to teenagers and impressionable young women?

Aren't we already exposed to enough pressure?

Can I just say, who on earth is he to preach about what women should or shouldn't look like? How can a man – who is most definitely FAR from being a sex symbol decide any of it?

He might as well be handing a suicidal person a loaded gun !!!!!!!

What kind of example is HE setting to the youth of today – as a Z List Celebrity - endorsing the idea of eating disorders, because let’s face it, that’s what anorexia is. 

It has most certainty caused havoc and many out there including the celebs were and are furious!

@MrKennethTong . . . What the Twitterati wrote

Gordon Ramsay
Just want to make it clear to everyone that I do not support kenneth tong's campaign. Thank you for all your messages x

Lily Allen 
@twitter many of my followers seem very upset by this
@Kennethtong person. Can we please be rid of him?
Lily Allen
@twitter SHUT HIM DOWN. I know you get jumpy about freedom of speech but I think you should make an example of him.

Rochelle of The Saturdays

@MrKennethTong Your tweets are upsetting a lot of people, including myself! It's very vile! Twitter isn't meant for people like you!!


Girls are dying all over the world because of ignorant individuals like this@MrKennethTong

Sophia Bush
Dear @MrKennethTong, you're a model for self-hate.

James Corden
That Kenneth guy. Methinks it's probably best if we all ignore him for a while. Bless his lovely skinny socks x

Caitlin Moran
Kenneth Tong — what an eye-rolling waste of space. I liked it better in the old days, where people drew attention to themselves by being fired at the Moon.

Rihanna said; “This is exactly why girls are doing everything to destroy their bodies!” whilst Cowell tweeted: “Just been informed about Mr Kenneth Tong. Twitter has a new village idiot. In fact he doesn’t even deserve the village. He’s an idiot. Mr Kenneth Tong you keep telling people to lose weight. The only weight people should lose is you. You’re not worth my time.” 

Ladies! This is disgraceful. I hope none of you will stand for being told such a thing, in such a way. Being healthy, eating right, and staying active is one thing. Being told to starve yourselves – TOTALLY NOT COOL!!!

Whilst it is easy for many women to ignore his twisted ideas of how women should live their lives, there are going to be some who succumb to his desire to control them and really believe that; “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”

To those women (and men) out there…. I suggest you have some YUMMY CHEESECAKE! 


Much love,


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