Tigers! One of the most beautiful species in the world.
It may seem ridiculous that I am writing about this and that there are obviously more important things out there to write about. However, isn't this an important issue that we need to consider?! I believe that it is!
I feel the need to stress that this issue needs to be addressed and that they need to be SAVED!
The tiger, a member of the Felidae family, is the largest of the four "big cats". Originating from eastern and southern Asia, the tiger is a top predator and carnivore.
This magnificent animal is a heavily muscled and powerful predator that employs stalk and ambush tactics to bring down large prey, using the characteristic stripy coat as camouflage. Unlike other cats, tigers are good swimmers and often cool off in lakes and streams during the heat of the day.
Sadly, they have been pushed to the edge of existence through hunting and habitat loss, with three of the eight subspecies already extinct, and the other subspecies at high risk.
Today the range of the species is radically reduced. While all surviving species are under formal protection, poaching, habitat destruction and inbreeding depression continue to threaten the tigers.
The illegal wildlife trade is the third biggest "illicit commodity" trade in the world, after weapons and drugs -- it is a multi-billion dollar industry. Moreover, demand for animal parts, especially for exotic ones like tigers, is only continuing to grow.
The authors of the Traffic International report conclude that the only hope to save the tigers is to reduce demand in the countries where tigers are still sought after -- primarily India, where over half the world's remaining tigers live, and China, where the second most tigers are seized annually.
Our national animal is fighting for its life.
From around 40,000 at the turn of the last century, there are just 1411 tigers left in India.
If we do not act now, we could lose this part of our heritage forever.
Speak up, blog, share the concern, and stay informed… Every little bit helps.
Aircel has collaborated with WWF-India to help save our tigers.
Visit http://www.saveourtigers.com/ and JOIN THE ROAR!
As always, thanks for reading.
Much love,
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